Yesterday I was able to give my keynote speech at the K5 - Future Retail and was suddenly confronted with the term "Green Hushing". Until yesterday, I didn't know what "Green Hushing" meant, and I'm sure many of you feel the same. 🌱
"Green hushing" describes the practice of companies deliberately being cautious or even silent about their environmental initiatives and sustainability measures. This is often done out of fear of criticism or accusations of greenwashing.
Why is this a problem? If we are not transparent about our efforts, we will lack opportunities for collective development. We should be proud of our steps towards sustainability, even if they are small or not yet perfect. Every step counts and can encourage others to take action as well. Thank you dear Mimi Sewalski , for enlightening us yesterday.
At VLACE, I always try to be as transparent as possible about our progress. Because without making the points we address for sustainability public, nothing can change and no rethinking can take place.
However, I sometimes find it difficult and think about how I can formulate certain developments. Can I use the term sustainability, or has it now been tainted with greenwashing? Can I describe my materials as an environmentally friendly alternative? No matter what, someone will definitely be offended by the wording.
But despite these uncertainties, it is important to continue to communicate openly and honestly. ♻️